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Czujniki GIOŚ NO2 CO O3 SO2
ul. Sienkiewicza   6.1   0   49.3   0
- - - - PM2.5 PM10 - - - - - - - -
ul. Sienkiewicza   -   11.8
Czujniki o mniejszej dokładności:
Kamieniec   22.13   32.36
Józefa Piłsudskiego   20.77   29.07
Tytusa Chałubińskiego   21   31.22
Kuźnice   16.69   22.43
Wszystkie odczyty podawane są w µg/m3
Partner: airly
Pt. 28.03 04:00
-0° / 7° zachmurzenie małe
Sob. 13:00
Nd. 14:00
Pon. 14:00
Wt. 14:00
Zdjęcie promujące Zakopane

Zakopane Cultural Center

Zakopane Cultural Center

With 1 march 2016, from the combination of Count Władysław Zamoyski's Municipal Art Gallery and Zakopane Promotion Office emerged Zakopane Cultural Center. Statute of ZCK (polish abreviation) keeps the autonomy of Municipal Gallery and its current structure.

ZCK is an autonomous, cultural institution which undergo the register of cultural institutions of the organizator. The organizator of ZCK is Municipality of Zakopane. The ZCK's headquaters is the town of Zakopane and its area of activity is Zakopane's territory. Meritorical supervision over ZCK's activity is moderated by the Mayor of Zakopane.

The main goals of ZCK are:
a) improvement and cultural education for active modern art recepient with expanding and popularizing modern plastic and photographic art and other visual and multimedia platforms.
b) promoting turistic, cultural, natural and economic activities of Zakopane and Podtatrze, building up the positive depiction of town and its regions, spreading and securing cultural goods of Podhale region.
While promoting accomplishments of widely understood visual arts, ZCK collaborates with national, local and social units, organizations and invidual persons from nation and abroad.

ZCK primary functions:
Organizing plastic art exhibitions,
- Providing assist with organizing activities that promote plastic art achievements,
- Conducting educational activities with cooperation with educational authorities and schools,
- Collaboration with individual plastic artists and along with unions creative associations while helping with spreading artistic creations of their members,
- Publishing press connected with plastic art popularization,
- Promoting art by arranging readings, contests and accompanying events for exhibitions (movies, concerts, recitals, meetings with authors etc.),
- Organizing open air artistic activities,
- Collecting, stocktaking, management and using modern art pieces which belong to, and are deposited by ZCK,
- Purchasing modern art and press in order to promote and document modern art and also mediating in transactions during exhibitions arranged by ZCK,
- Collecting and publishing documents on ZCK events,
- Apart from its primary activity, ZCK can also run commercial enterprise (fairs, art or culinary services etc.) from which the income will entirely be aimed at statutory projects,
Other functions:
- Running multidirectional, promotional campaign on the basis of elaborated and accepted marketing strategy,
- Organizing artistic, entertaining, touristic, recreational and economical events in Zakopane,
- Leading public info points,
- Creating touristic, economical and cultural database,
- Conducting market research among tourist and town residents,
- Publishing in the field of statutory tasks of ZCK,
- Cooperating with local government, educational and other institutions, associations, and establishments in building a brand of Zakopane,
- Running economic activity according to law,
- Undertaking EU integrity projects coordinated with Mayor of Zakopane,
- Investment activity coordinated with Mayor of Zakopane.

Program Council of ZCK:
1. Urszula Dubowska – screenwriter, director, TVP Kultura journalist
2. Zaofia Gołubiew – art historian, former National Museum in Cracov director
3. Dorota Grubba-Thiede – phd. in humanistic arts from Polish Institute of World Art Studies in Warsaw
4. Marek Król Józaga – vicedirector of A. Kenar Artistic School Complex in Zakopane, plastic artist
5. Agnieszka Nowak-Gąsienica – vicemayor of Zakopane
6. Prof. Adam Myjak – rector in Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
7. Jan Kanty Pawluśkiewicz – composer
8. Lidia Rosińska-Podleśny – vicedirector for artistic matters in ZCK, plastic artist
9. Joanna Staszak – head of Culture and Popularization of Zakopane Department in Town Hall of Zakopane
10. Marek Szala – plastic artist
11. Dorota Ząbkowska – National Culture Institutes Department in Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

Count Zamoyski Municipal Arts Gallery

We present you the rich history of one of the oldest art galleries in Poland, the Municipal Art Gallery in Zakopane. It's beginning reach year 1911. In july of 1911, in newly opened and still yet unifinished Polish Bazaar next to Krupówki street, a new art exhibition was held. It was rather a contest, organized by manufacturer from Lódź, Henryk Grohlman, who was also an art mecenate and co-creator of Podhalan Art Association which by then was operating for three years.

Opening hours
monday - friday od 9.00 do 17.00

Kościeliska 7 st.
34-500 Zakopane
tel.+48 18 206 69 50
fax+48 18 206 66 56


Zdjęcie promujące artykuł


monday - friday from 9.00 to 17.00

street: Kościeliska 7
34-500 Zakopane
phone. +48 18 206 69 50
fax +48 18 206 66 56
e-mail: office@promocja.zakopane.pl

YouTube  Bip

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