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Czujniki GIOŚ NO2 CO O3 SO2
ul. Sienkiewicza   7.3   0   84.2   0
- - - - PM2.5 PM10 - - - - - - - -
ul. Sienkiewicza   -   21
Czujniki o mniejszej dokładności:
Kamieniec   11.82   15.08
Józefa Piłsudskiego   11.06   14.28
Tytusa Chałubińskiego   13.39   17.45
Kuźnice   13.89   17.94
Wszystkie odczyty podawane są w µg/m3
Partner: airly
Śr. 26.03 16:00
9° / 4° słabe opady deszczu
Czw. 13:00
Pt. 13:00
Sob. 13:00
Nd. 14:00
Pon. 14:00
Zdjęcie promujące Zakopane

PTTK Shelter on Kondratowa Hall

PTTK Shelter on Kondratowa Hall

Tourist shelter located on Kondratowa Clearing, Western Tatras, underneath Giewont's massif. It's 1333 MASL high, positioned on former Kondratowa Hall area. It's the smallest polish Tatra shelter (600 m³), offering 20 spaces in three 6 and 8-person rooms. The shelter is also providing ski storage, tavern and buffet. Inside the shelter works two to five people in season, with a cat. The shelter's manager is Iwona Haniaczyk.

First records of Kondratowa Hall come from 1636. This small section of Western Tatras is full of events forever inscribed in Tatra history. Together with priest Kaszelewski, highlanders took this path to bring the cross on the Giewont peak. The first apline ski pioneer trails of Barabasz and Zaruski went through Kondratowa. In year 1936, because of the lack of snow on Wielka Krokiew ski jump, Polish Championship took place here. Since 1946, two years before creating shelter in its current form, a well-known highlander family of Skupień were running it from PTT initiative, which later was transformed into PTTK, a current owner of this facility.

First building was constructed in this place as early as before 1910. It was a ski shelter of Jerzy Uznański, destroyed by an avalanche in 1913. In year 1933, the mountain hut was built here. The current facility was erected by Polish Tatra Society in years 1947-1948 according to Bogdan Laszczka's design. In 1950, it was expanded by an additional wing. In april 26 1953, the shelter was destroyed by stone avalanche, which came from Long Giewont's slope. A large boulder, weighing 30 tons, crashed into corner of the dining room. This rock is still available for viewing. Other boulders from the avalanche stopped few meters before the building.

In 50s and 60s of twentieth century, jumpers, runners and other sport contestants groupings took place here. This, polish sport elite passed through Kondratowa Hall shelter. Not far away from the shelter, a jumping spot was built, on which Stanisław Marusarz, Jan Kula, Andrzej Gąsienica Daniel and other prominent jumpers trained during pre-olimpic meetings. There was also a natural sled track. All regulars remember this place, with its family atmopshere, card games and gingerbread baked by ms. Hania, a wife of the host (this tradition is cultivated to this day).

Stanisław Skupień, skier and olympian, was the shelter's manager in years 1947 – 1980. After him, with big success, while cultivating father's tradition, his son Andrew took this place till 2003. After Andrzej's death, Iwona Haniaczyk, granddaughter of Stanisław Skupień and Andrzej's niece, runs the shelter with passion to this day. From 1994, the shelter owns a biological sewage treatment plant. In august 23, 2009, an offical celebration of naming shelter after Władysław Krygowski, legendary polish Carpathians expert, took place. The boards with Krygowski's book quotes and his wooden, carved portrait made by Franciszek Pałka were installed inside the shelter.

Fresh soups and traditionally baked gingerbread are made everyday and can be tasted in comfortable dining hall or on veranda with beautiful sight. Also, cold and hot bevarages are available, and for breakfast – scrambled eggs.
Buffet is open everyday from 7.30 to 19.30.
The dining hall is available for customers till 22.00. Also, free boiling water, Wi-Fi, board games, projection screen, mountain literature, universal phone and camera charge are available.

- Blue trail – from Kuźnice to the shelter, and from there further to Kondracka Pass and Giewont. Transition time from Kuźnice to sheltaer takes around 1 hour 20 minutes, 1 hour back. Transition time from shelter to Giewont is around 1 hour 45 minutes, 1 hour 15 minutes back.
- Green trail – from shelter to Kopa Kondracka Pass takes around 1 hour 20 minutes, 1 hour back.

Kondratowa Clearing
mailbox 197
34-500 Zakopane
phone. +48 18 20 19 114

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