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Czujniki GIOŚ NO2 CO O3 SO2
ul. Sienkiewicza   40.1   0   20.6   0
- - - - PM2.5 PM10 - - - - - - - -
ul. Sienkiewicza   -   42.3
Czujniki o mniejszej dokładności:
Kamieniec   64.74   80.22
Józefa Piłsudskiego   9.61   12.15
Tytusa Chałubińskiego   3.57   4.3
Kuźnice   0.03   0.1
Szkoła Podstawowa w Kościelisku   -   -
Wszystkie odczyty podawane są w µg/m3
Partner: airly
Sob. 22.02 10:00
1° / -4° pochmurnie
Nd. 13:00
Pon. 13:00
Wt. 13:00
Śr. 13:00
Czw. 07:00
Zdjęcie promujące Zakopane

The upside-down house

The upside-down house

The upside-down house in Zakopane is a unique attraction that lets you to experience the phenomenon in the form of a different effect of gravity on humans and lets you to free your imagination with a guarantee of great fun.

The upside-down house is an attraction for children and adults. The house sits on its roof, it is also positioned diagonally. Everything looks different in it. You can walk on the ceiling in the house, and all of the equipment of the latter stands, or rather hangs because it’s attached to the floor. Additionally, the slant makes maintaining the balance not so easy, you will remember your labyrinth! The only simple thing here are the stairs which lead not to the first floor but to the ground floor. Well, yeah, we start the tour from the first floor.

ul. Aleje 3 Maja
34-500 Zakopane

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