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Czujniki GIOŚ NO2 CO O3 SO2
ul. Sienkiewicza   45   0   16.8   0
- - - - PM2.5 PM10 - - - - - - - -
ul. Sienkiewicza   -   26.1
Czujniki o mniejszej dokładności:
Kamieniec   26.01   34.37
Józefa Piłsudskiego   4.94   6.08
Tytusa Chałubińskiego   2.58   2.93
Kuźnice   0   0
Szkoła Podstawowa w Kościelisku   -   -
Wszystkie odczyty podawane są w µg/m3
Partner: airly
Wt. 04.03 10:00
5° / -1° zachmurzenie umiarkowane
Śr. 13:00
Czw. 13:00
Pt. 13:00
Sob. 13:00
Nd. 07:00
Zdjęcie promujące Zakopane

Winter Mountain Trips

Winter Mountain Trips

Winter mountains cerainly are splendid but can also be very dangerous. The main winter threats are avalanches, hypothermia hazard, orientation loss and falling from height. Our winter route should be planned not to overcome our physical condition and equimpent. It should also be adjusted to current weather conditions. Keep in mind that mountain trail that can be easy on summer can become very demanding and dangerous on winter. It is recommended to walk in at least two-person groups and chosing popular tracks, on which other people can be met.

1. Avalanches

Avalanche danger level is the main information about the avalanche risk given by TOPR and updated every 24 hours. It is, however, only general review of situation in the mountains. When planning the hike, it is possible to get information from specialists in this field (rescuers, guides, TPN workers). One of the ways to adapt to winter season is finishing adequate training course. When departing for a winter trip, tourist should be trained and equipped with first-aid equipment in case, so called Avalanche ABC, with detector, probe and shovel.e.

2. Hypothermia

The second danger that should be taken into account even during short and easy treks is hypothermia. The simple way of protecting yourself from losing heat is to provide proper outfit, which should be dry and well-fit to our activity.

Taking second pair of gloves is mandatory. Other important factor is our own physical condition, so it's important to be fed and hydrated during walk. One should be also prepared for injuries and help await. Additional jacket (preferably down) and space blanket would come in handy in such situation.

3. Sense of direction

In winter season, space orientation can be hampered. The snow often covers trail signatures, and tracks are invisible in areas above forest. The tourist who venture into winter mountains must know their topography, be equipped with map and compass which can help in finding sense of direction with limited visibility. The other negative factor is short day lenght – flashlight with reserve batteries should find their place in every tourist's backpack.

4. High parts mountain trips

Those who go into high mountain terriroty must take account of moving on steep terrain with risk of falling over high slope. Therefore, they should be equipped with crampons, pickax and a helmet. Additionally, difficult trips imply necessity of belay rope use. However, the equipment itself won't suffice, thus high mountain terrain movement skills are best acquired on training course. It's also possible to hire a tour guide.

5. Weather forecast and safety

Before departing we should charge our phone battery and read the weather forecast (available on websites www.topr.pl and www.tpn.pl). Bear in mind that mountain storms are very dangerous and it's not recommended to hike at the time. The fog is similairly deceiving and can confuse even seasoned tourists. You should also be prepared for track change and learn the surrounding trail layout before leaving. Please note that trail colors do not mark their difficulty level.
To ensure your safety it's best to tell your relatives and close ones about your plans (tour destination, chosen path, departure time, estimted time of return, sleep location).
In case of emergency, please call the number 601 100 300 (TOPR), 112 or use the smartphone app available at www.ratunek.eu.

Safety in the mountains

Emergency help:

+48 601 100 300
+48 18 20 634 44

European emergency number:


Where will you find help?

TOPR: main website of TOPR
Emergency app: Download

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Safety in mountains

Emergency help:
+48 601 100 300
+48 18 20 634 44

European emergency number:

Where will you find help?

main website of TOPR

Emergency app:

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