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Czujniki GIOŚ NO2 CO O3 SO2
ul. Sienkiewicza   7.3   0   84.2   0
- - - - PM2.5 PM10 - - - - - - - -
ul. Sienkiewicza   -   21
Czujniki o mniejszej dokładności:
Kamieniec   11.82   15.08
Józefa Piłsudskiego   11.06   14.28
Tytusa Chałubińskiego   13.39   17.45
Kuźnice   13.89   17.94
Wszystkie odczyty podawane są w µg/m3
Partner: airly
Śr. 26.03 16:00
9° / 4° słabe opady deszczu
Czw. 13:00
Pt. 13:00
Sob. 13:00
Nd. 14:00
Pon. 14:00
Zdjęcie promujące Zakopane

Butterfly House


Dozens of species of living, free-flying, large, and colorful butterflies from around the world—all in one place.

A visit to Butterfly House Zakopane is like stepping into a tropical paradise. In a world of stunning butterflies freely flying around visitors, you can admire their beauty, relax, and unwind amidst exotic greenery. It is truly an unforgettable experience. What awaits you?

  • Butterflies are everywhere—they might land on your head or shoulders, delighting both children and adults.
  • You will see dozens of exotic butterfly species. The largest ones have a wingspan of nearly 30 cm and look like they came from a dream.
  • You will feel as if you have stepped into a tropical rainforest, the butterflies' natural habitat. The weather here is always perfect—warm and lush with greenery.
  • From egg-laying, through the caterpillar stage, to the fully grown butterfly—you will discover the entire life cycle of these fascinating creatures. You will also see unique caterpillars and chrysalises up close.

Our knowledgeable guides (included in the ticket price) will reveal the secrets of butterflies. Do they really live on love alone? Why do they have two pairs of wings? How fast can they fly? How do they see the world?

Come and explore the fascinating world of butterflies. See for yourself that the world has more colors than you ever imagined. Do not forget your camera—this visit will lift your spirits.

The gateway to this magical world is at Generała Andrzeja Galicy 8, just a few meters from the central Krupówki Street.

Children under 3 – free entry

Opening hours:
Open daily from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Butterfly House Zakopane
Address: Generała Andrzeja Galicy 8, 34-500 Zakopane
Phone: +48 575 012 202

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